What is client engagement?

Client engagement is the act of cultivating impactful connections with prospects. It encompasses any interaction that takes place between sellers and buyers – from connections on social media to direct 1:1 sales calls. When done right, it’s a powerful strategy: reps who effectively engage prospects can foster long-term relationships, improve the sales process and close more deals.

How engagement has changed

The rise of technology and shift toward remote work has drastically impacted client engagement in recent years. Let’s take a look at some of the major evolutions.

  • Proliferation of digital channels: In the past, client engagement activities often took place in person over happy hours, dinners or conferences. Now, with more people working remotely, as well as a global customer base, engagement largely happens over  digital channels. For example, a seller may reach out to a prospect on LinkedIn, exchange emails and eventually set up a time to connect on a virtual meeting.
  • Consultative selling: Traditional selling has been transactional. Reps were laser-focused on closing a deal and often used assertive pitches to do so. Now, consultative selling is more common, with emphasis on understanding a prospect’s specific needs and developing tailored solutions for them, all to build trust over time.
  • SaaS sales technology: Advanced enablement and sales engagement tools allow teams to better track interactions, send personalised communications and measure progress. The proliferation of technology in this space can be overwhelming, but the right tools can empower busy sales teams to reach buyers at scale.

Why is client engagement important?

Effective engagement has many positive benefits, from spurring prospects to action to building long-term advocates for your brand. Here are just a few of the benefits organisations see:

  • Higher conversion rates: Consistent and targeted engagement can guide potential customers through the sales funnel more effectively, improving conversion rates. In fact, Salesforce found that companies with strong customer engagement strategies saw a 40% increase in conversion rates.
  • Revenue growth: When sellers create meaningful interactions during the buying process, prospects may be open to current and future spend. One study showed that buyers who were fully engaged in the sales process accounted for a 23% increase in company revenue.
  • Post-purchase advocacy: An exceptional customer experience can transform satisfied customers into eager brand advocates. 77% of customers who’ve had a positive experience say they will recommend the company to a friend. These customers also may be open to participating in case studies or speaking on behalf of the company, creating influential word-of-mouth testimonials.

Rewriting the Rules of Engagement

The client engagement process

Successful sellers take a thoughtful approach to engagement by understanding their buyer’s needs, tailoring their pitches and working to build a relationship that goes beyond the sale. Consider these five key steps reps can take to build a client engagement plan:

Did you know?

Organizations that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue than those that don’t.

Client engagement strategies

By utilising client engagement best practices, sales teams can effectively connect with clients, drive meaningful conversations and uncover new revenue opportunities. Let’s dive into some strategies that every go-to-market organisation can put into action.

Build a strong digital presence
Buyers often do their own fact-finding before speaking to a rep, most commonly through online channels. It’s important for sales to develop a strong digital presence and be prepared to share personalised content and the right messaging at the right time.

Provide personalised experiences
71% of consumers expect personalised interactions. Tailoring the customer journey and content to individual needs can significantly impact a company’s revenue and customer retention. Organisations that excel at personalisation generate 40% more revenue than those that don’t.

Help, don’t sell,
Sales teams should adopt a consultative approach, offering valuable insights and solutions, to build credibility and foster relationships that transcend products (or even companies).

Mapping Content to the Customer Journey

How to improve engagement through enablement

Sales enablement involves providing reps with the tools and resources they need to effectively engage buyers across the customer journey. Here are three key areas where enablement technology can help drive engagement.

Never stop growing.

Ready to take engagement to the next level?

With the Seismic Enablement Cloud™, businesses can effectively streamline and support client engagement with the necessary tools and insights to foster meaningful interactions, create personalised experiences and train and upskill their teams. Seismic’s sales Content Management enables reps to discover and deliver engaging, personalised and informative content throughout the buyer’s journey. Our learning and coaching capabilities also help sellers build client engagement skills through continuous training and 1:1 coaching. Interested in learning more? Get a demo to start honing your team’s client engagement strategy.