Navigating the evolving business environment

A resource hub for sales and marketing leaders


How to Thrive in Disruptive Times

Waiting it out isn’t a winning strategy. Find out how to embrace change to gain a competitive advantage.

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A smiling woman confidently looking inot the camera.

Have You Adapted to the Modern Sales Cycle?

Tips to modernise your approach to today’s sales cycle.

3 Ways to Make the Modern Buyer Love You

Buyers are more educated and independent than ever. Learn how to connect with them in ways they’ll truly appreciate.

Improving Sales Efficiency by Enabling Adaptability

Adaptability requires empowered execution. Here’s how to make it happen.

Aligning sales and marketing
teams through change


10 Tips for Sales and Marketing Content Alignment

Follow these tips to ensure successful content performance.
6 Best Practices for Aligning Sales and Marketing

6 Best Practices for Aligning Sales and Marketing

With the very nature of sales changing, it is even harder to keep marketing and sales aligned – but also more important. Read our best practices.
GTM Alignment: Forging a Stronger Future

GTM Alignment: Forging a Stronger Future

Learn why it is important to strengthen GTM alignment during uncertain times in order to position your organisation for success in the future.

Engaging with buyers –
more important than ever

The Enablement Cloud: A Unified Platform for Engagement & Growth

The Enablement Cloud: A Unified Platform for Engagement & Growth

Unite historically siloed systems, including training, content, engagement and insights.
How to Use Digital Sales Rooms to Engage and Delight Your Buyers

How to Use Digital Sales Rooms to Engage and Delight Your Buyers

Give buyers and sellers a dedicated place to share hyper-relevant info throughout the deal cycle.
Make content stand out!

Want your content to stand out? Personalise it.

Here’s what customers think of your content and why they are more selective than ever about what they read.